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Planning a Marriage in a 5-Star Venue in Kolkata

Getting married is a dream for a lot of people around the world. There are people for whom getting married is not a priority, but for most people, getting married and settling down with a spouse is a priority after a certain age. As we all know, a wedding is a huge event, where hundreds of thousands of people are invited to bless the newly married couple. Numerous things need to be thought about while planning. The budget of the wedding is one of those crucial factors. The choice of the wedding venue in Kolkata also depends significantly upon the decided budget.

An individual thinks about a lot of things and takes them under consideration while thinking about getting married. Different people have different versions of a wedding in their heads. After a lot of struggles, someone feels that they are ready to settle down with someone. Everybody tries to conduct the best wedding possible, as this event is a one-time thing for most people. They want to keep all the photographs and videos their entire lives.

To ensure that you have access to high-quality pictures of your wedding, a premium photographer is a must, but the venue where the wedding takes place also plays a huge part. Choosing a wedding venue month in advance is far more critical than you may think. People generally book venues, sometimes even six months in advance.

In many cases, functions like decoration and music are generally taken care of by the people at the venue and are charged to you in a package. Booking a venue of this sort always proves to be a convenient option, as one does not have to deal with the complicated and often confusing process of managing every function separately.

This particular article focuses on providing you information about how you can book the best venue for your wedding. We will talk about all the 5-star hotels in Kolkata city, which you can hire for your wedding. We will also talk in detail about all the expense packages to choose the best option in your budget. We will also inform you about the benefits of conducting a premium wedding in a 5-star hotel.

Wedding Expense Packages in 5-Star Hotels

One of the essential parts of a wedding is inviting a large number of guests. You have the responsibility of your guests, so you need to make sure that they are staying as comfortably as possible. You need to take care of all the amenities. So, if you are conducting a wedding in a five-star hotel, remember that the rate for a room every night ranges from 7500-13000 rupees. Yes, the price will include a premium complimentary breakfast.

The next important thing is food. You will have made to make separate arrangements for food for each guest. Depending on the hotel you choose for your guests, you will have to pay around 2800-4500 rupees. You aim to give your guests the most comfortable experience, so you need to care which foods are preferred by different guests. So, depending on that, you can choose from the above rates.

Even though we have talked about the fact that decorations are generally taken care of by the venue, there are also premium plans. You can pay a premium price for curated decorations. You can choose every piece of decor from scratch. A decoration plan of such a kind in a 5-star hotel will cost you between 5 and 9 lacs.

Lastly, the entire budget of the wedding is going to cost you around one crore. Weddings like these are very common nowadays because people have started investing as much as possible in a marriage. People generally don't think about budget while planning a wedding, but still, this article will guide you to choose even the most reasonable option among the premium ones.

How are Premium Weddings Advantageous?

Ø Premium Treatment

When you book a 5-star hotel, you are treated exceptionally well by every hotel staff member. You will feel like a proper guest, and everybody in the hotel will take care of guests at all times. Starting from the janitor to the manager is going to treat you like a VIP. Your guests are going to have a royal experience that they will never be able to forget.

Ø Convenient Parking Options

Another advantage of booking a hotel for a wedding is that the guests will face no hassle parking their vehicles. Generally, there is a vast reserved space in every hotel, which is meant for parking. No matter how many guests arrive in their cars, none will face any hassle while parking. There are also valets available in most hotels, which will safely park your guests' cars as soon as they arrive.

Ø Premium Equipment are Available

A considerable benefit of reserving a hotel for your wedding is that they will use the most expensive pieces of equipment in your wedding to make sure that the guests get to enjoy the best ambiance possible. Starting from the lighting to the music, the organizers are not going to compromise on the quality of the equipment.

Ø Weather Will Not be an Issue

An obvious benefit of booking a hotel for a wedding is, being protected from weather changes. For instance, if you conduct an ordinary marriage, a sudden rain can destroy your preparations. A hotel is going to keep you safe from rain or any other sudden calamities.

A Wedding is a One-Time Phenomenon

A wedding is something that you do only one time in your life. So, it would be best if you focused on having the best wedding possible. The above article has information about why booking a hotel is the best way to conduct your wedding.

Despite considering all the other factors, if you want to ensure that your wedding is done without any hiccups or mistakes, you can opt to hire a wedding planner in Kolkata.

It would be best if you focused on making your wedding as grand as possible.

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